HCHS Financials for 2015

The 2015 Financial Report for HCHS was delivered to the CDD at their meeting on Monday, March 28, 2016.  Following is a condensed version of the Income Statement:

Bank Balance 12/31/14           $ 4,145.96
Income for 2015                      $17,151.18
Expenses for 2015                   ($9,739.17)
Bank Balance 12/31/15           $11,557.97

Note:  If anyone wants a detailed copy of the Income Statement, please send us an email to carterhousesociety@gmail.com.

The above Expense Total includes $7,000.00 for the following restoration and maintenance projects completed in 2015:

  1. Clean, repair, and paint the left side of the house.
  2. Repair slate tiles on the roof that slide out of place.
  3. Repair a hole in the corner of the kitchen ceiling and paint repaired area.
  4. Repair and paint a damaged section of the kitchen ceiling.

When item 1 above was finished that was the last section of the outside of the house to be repaired, cleaned and painted.  You may not realize it but the first section of the house painted was started in 2012.  As you can see, it has taken a while to completely paint the outside of the house and along with painting there were a lot of rotten wood repairs.  It was a good feeling to finally check this item off the list.  However, some problems have developed in the first section of the house that was painted and these problems are being addressed in work scheduled to start August 8, 2016.

The tile damage on the roof was caused by some of the slate tiles getting loose and sliding out of place.  It appeared each time there was a wind storm a few of the tiles would get loose and slide out of place so after it happened a few times, we knew to check the roof after a storm to make sure there were no tiles out of place.  We were fortunate these were caught before any roof leaks or serious damage was done.

Many of you may have noticed the big hole that was in the corner of the kitchen (breakfast area) that had been there several years.  The contractor said the hole probably started from a roof leak and apparently after being left unrepaired for so many years it grew to be a big hole.  The repairs were made by replacing and painting the damaged sheetrock.  Next time you are in the kitchen, be sure to take note, no hole in the corner!

In that same general area of the ceiling there was another place that had two small holes so while the contractor was repairing the corner hole he fixed these places too.  This area had probably been damaged by a roof leak but the holes were not nearly as big as the one in the corner.  The repairs were made by replacing and painting the damaged sheetrock and the ceiling looks much better now.

By now you have probably noticed that there wasn’t as many projects completed in 2015 as in 2014, plus the Income was much lower in 2015.  No projects were started during the first part of 2015 since Income was so low.  Spending was delayed so sufficient funds would be available should an emergency maintenance/restoration project arise.  The Income in 2015 was much lower than in 2014 because the proceeds from the 2015 CPCA Golf Tournament was not donated directly to HCHS as in past years.  The CPCA made the decision to retain the proceeds and dedicate them to a project of their choice at the Carter House.

HCHS continues to plan and schedule projects on their list when they have sufficient funds. Any project involving water intrusion will always receive top priority whether it is on the list or a new development.